Restaurants and bars

Dedaspuri. Georgian Cuisine in Milan.

Having a craving for khachapuri? Here is your easy and casual solution.

Dear friends, I decided to explore Georgian cuisine in the city, and for Sunday lunch, we headed to Dedaspuri restaurant.

The staff were welcoming and the restaurant was bustling. Don’t expect much from the decor – let’s say it had a cafeteria vibe. Orders arrived promptly which we appreciated. Obviously it was our error to compare the food with that of the renowned Tbilisi restaurant, Zakhar Zakharich – an unfair comparison, as the latter would always triumph 😅

The menu wasn’t extensive, but the khachapuri and khinkali were superb (they even offered them with vinegar, a personal favorite), so that was half the battle won. They typically serve churchkhela too, but sadly, they were out of stock during our visit. On the downside, they didn’t have shashlik, which we were really looking forward to, and our clothes ended up smelling like the kitchen after the meal.

As for the cost, it was reasonable. We splurged and still only spent about 30 euros each.

So, if you’ve got a hankering for Georgian cuisine, Dedaspuri is worth a visit, especially for the khinkali. However, I recommend dining in, as Georgian food, akin to Italian, doesn’t fare well with delivery as it loses a lot of its flavor. Plus, Dedaspuri is conveniently located near the city center.

Next on my gastronomic itinerary is another Georgian restaurant in Milan, but this one specializes in high-end cuisine. Can’t wait to see how that pans out!

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